Literacy Programs: The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child

Learning how to read is a vital skill. If you have children, you should consider enrolling them in a literacy course. Literacy lessons can help your child to succeed in school and can boost their confidence when it comes to understanding language and communicating. Below is a guide to some of the benefits of literacy programs. Literacy programs focus on core skills A literacy program will typically focus on the core skills your child needs to advance at school. [Read More]

Ways to Help Your Child with Their Early Learning Outcomes

One of the greatest adventures your child will go on is their education. While they will certainly benefit from the early learning experiences they have with their child care provider, a lot of work also needs to take place at home. When you understand more about the ways you can help them with their early learning outcomes, their development will progress significantly. Obtain a background understanding of developmental phases Gaining a brief understanding of different developmental phases is especially important if you only have one child. [Read More]

Is pursuing a WHSO training the right career path for you to take?

Sometimes making a career choice that is right for you may be the hardest thing you will ever do. While all careers have their positive and negative implications, a career that works for you may help minimise work-related frustrations. However, if you are interested in becoming a Work Health and Safety Officer (WHSO), please read on to know how to become one and what to expect in your work experience.   [Read More]

2 Ways Music Can Improve Your Young Child's Pre-Literacy Skills

While most toddlers and pre-schoolers won't engage in any formal literacy education until they hit their school years, they're learning pre-literacy skills all the time. Typical word-related activities like reading out loud and communicating with others are great ways to boost a young child's pre-literacy ability, but they're not the only way. You may be surprised to learn that children can also get a boost to their literacy through music and performance. [Read More]